The Marion Star Mon-sun 7 Day Delivery for 8 Weeks

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Marion Star

The Marion Star (formerly known as The Marion Daily Star) is a newspaper in Marion, Ohio. The paper is owned by the Gannett Newspaper organization, the paper is also notable as having once been owned and published by Warren G. Harding and his wife Florence Kling Harding. Founded as the Daily Pebble, the format of the small daily grew and became The Marion Daily Star. Under Harding the newspaper's editorial position leaned toward the Republican Party platform, but remained somewhat neutral because of its position of the daily newspaper of record for Marion County. Tom Graser is the current editor of the Marion Star. The papers headquarters is located in Marion at 150 Court Street Marion, Ohio 43302. It has an average daily circulation of 13,929 in the Afternoon on weekdays and 13,790 on Sundays.

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